My Story:
Upon my retirement from the New Jersey State Police, my wife and I decided to take her mother and father on a tour bus trip to Atlantic City to see a Frank Sinatra impersonator for their anniversary. When we returned to the bus after the show, my wife and I were last to board. As I stepped aboard, I noticed a microphone and being inspired by the show began to sing a Frankie song for the passengers. As they laughed and applauded, the tour operator asked if he could speak to me when we arrived back in Toms River. During the ride back my wife reprimanded me for grabbing the mic and said she hoped the tour operator, who was an acquaintance of hers, was not going to ban us from future trips because of my singing stunt. When we arrived back, I reported to the tour operator as he requested and began apologizing. He laughed, told me he loved it and asked if I would be interested in working for him because his regular escort was having health issues. He explained his company catered to seniors looking for an all-inclusive travel experience that required a professional capable of making quick on the spot decisions and experienced in dealing with large diverse groups. He stated he was aware of my career with the NJ State Police and felt I surely possessed those qualities. Newly retired and looking for something to keep me busy I quickly agreed to give it a shot. My first trip out was a three-day tour to see the sights of Washington D.C. It would end in me finding not a career, but my “Calling”. During the trip I was tested with responding to a medical emergency for a passenger who tripped over a curb. He ended up in the emergency room right at the start of the trip. I then had to amend touring schedules, research sight info, resolve passenger concerns, and keep everyone smiling, entertained and most importantly feeling safe. For most who had experienced such a roller coaster weekend it would be the end, but for me it was everything I love in a job. I thrive on comforting, caring for, problem solving and fixing things for people. Better yet, when it was over, I felt like I truly made a difference to a bus load of newly adopted moms, dads, aunts, uncles, brother and sisters. Since that D.C. trip over eight years ago, I have escorted countless bus and airline trips both within the US and abroad. I have found it to be among one of the most rewarding things I’ve done in life. The smiles, thank you letters, and friendships gained in helping people enjoy life and travel are priceless to me. Travel with me and expect at some point that I will sing/dance, make you laugh/smile, and most importantly you will experience a great travel experience while feeling safe in my care.